Declared in BZMediaParams.h


This constant enumerator defines the default values of the constants that control the Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC) for audio.


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BZAECDefaultParams ) {
   AEC_DEFAULT_DelaytOffsetMs = 0,



This constant specifies the default delay offset duration widow in milliseconds during which the AEC will cancel the delayed echo of a playing audio recording successfully. Value to choose is dependent on decice type and speed. Typical values that result in adequate echo cancelation range from 0-20 ms on a fast Macbook Pro and 80 ms on IOS simulator. Values need to be experimented with to find the ones with that result in best echo cancelation. In addition, the volume of playback on a speaker greatly impact the speed wiht which the echo canceler adapts. Higher volumes will result in higher sound energy at the beginning. Lower volumes yields better results. This is particaulary important when Speech Recognition is used while a prompt is playing. In this case if bargein using speech energy is enabled, then louder playing of prompts may cause the played prompt to stop prematurely.

Declared In BZMediaParams.h.

Declared In
